Smart Submit is EAI’s free research collaboration tool
Unsure about your next big idea? Submit your work-in-progress research as an Early Abstract for the entire EAI Community to see!
- Get a pre-review with invaluable feedback
- Find mentors
- Find co-authors
- Find out if your research resonates
How it works
- Submit your Early Abstract to INTERSOL’s Smart Submit,
- Specify what kind of help you are looking for in the submission form. Are you looking for a mentor, a co-author, or do you have a specific question for the EAI Community?
- Your abstract will become visible to all EAI Members in EAI’s Community Portal for the duration of 90 days,
- Check your inbox regularly! A helpful email may arrive at any time.
EAI maintains an active database of tens of thousands of active researchers and mentors who are eager to help. They are notified regularly based on technical topics and their areas of expertise to make sure that authors who use Smart Submit only receive the most relevant feedback and collaboration offers.
Want to get notifications about newly submitted early abstracts?
Update your email preferences in your user profile to get new Early Abstracts in your area of interest straight into your inbox.
- Become a mentor to an up-and-coming researcher,
- Meet your next co-author or a PhD student,
- Find out what other people in your field are working on.